Wednesday, September 22, 2010


We've got some Fall color starting to show.
Frosting more often at night.
Water temps are dropping, fishing is picking up!
Seeing some isonychia swarms, and I found an October Caddis house yesterday.
It was sealed up. I popped it open, and the tenant inside was almost fully developed.
Won't be long now.

Not everyone likes fly fishing, lakes, but I do.
Spent a few evenings on the water recently.
The inlets are going off!
Fish of dreams, in shallow water.
What more do you want? An invitation?
The little guys are rising, and macking on midges, caddis, hoppers on the surface.
Big guys waiting for a distracted little fry.
Try stripping a bugger with a midge off the back.
The best of both worlds.

Kokanee are running up now.
One great seasonal joy, is to walk the inlet streams.
It's like a mini Alaska. Eagles in the trees, spawned out salmon on the banks, bear tracks,
big fish chasing each other around.
Once in while, even a mackinaw, comes up to eat.
Everything seems to be bulking up for winter.
Must be coming a little early.
October is the "norm" for this.
I don't really care when it happens, as long as I'm there for it.

The evening window is the best, but if we don't get windy, you can catch them all day.
Come on up!