Suddenly the weather went from cold..... to hot. Or, at least it seems hot wearing waders.
Get out of the water and you will seek shade. Don't forget your sunscreen!
Blazing blue skies have caused the flows to rise up into the grass, about a foot.
The water-color is a nice deep green in the morning, and off color in the afternoon.
Water temps are coming up slowly, 47-50 deg. in the morn, dropping a few deg. in the PM with the increased melt.
For those fishermen not averse to larger flows, this is a great time to attack.
Not a lot of fishing pressure yet, but soon....
There are a bunch of bugs around now. They like all the warmth.
The flying carpenter ants have arrived. I always suggest drowning them in these flows.
Saw my first grasshopper of the season. There's are sure sign of summer!
Starting to see a lot of small caddis fluttering in the evening.
There are PMDs too.
Very large Golden stones are near shore, that are about ready to pop.
Green rock caddis are about. Midges too of course.
Some nice fish are very close to shore.
Try rigging at about 2ft. with two flies, and drifting near the bank in soft water.
In these flows, the fish have an advantage. Look where you can run BEFORE you cast, to make sure you have run. You can't run in the water/streambed, and walking around alders
and trees is near impossible.
Hope you get out to the water, it's a good time for it!